i bought the adapter from sivava.com i tried with new adapter ticked and unticked it still will not give a good chip id
MCS 51 / AVR + PLCC44 Adapter Version.2
thats the adapter
Найдено 2 результата
- Сб июл 18, 2009 3:40 pm
- Форум: Willem programmers
- Тема: program at90s8515
- Ответы: 2
- Просмотры: 3166
- Чт июл 16, 2009 2:31 am
- Форум: Willem programmers
- Тема: program at90s8515
- Ответы: 2
- Просмотры: 3166
program at90s8515
i have a sivava willem 4.5c pcb and MCS 51/avr adapter i can read and program a 20 pin at90s2313 but it doesnt even id the 8515 can anyone offer any advice as to where im goin wrong???