If you open the conf and the back up in note pad find the atmega32 bit, then look for the eprom and flash parts you will see I changed the delays from 6 to 10 and from 10 to 20, as some avrs are fussy about the programming speeds
Glad it worked
Найдено 3 результата
- Чт сен 05, 2019 6:02 pm
- Форум: Willem programmers
- Тема: atmega programming problems
- Ответы: 2
- Просмотры: 18349
- Вт сен 03, 2019 8:26 pm
- Форум: EzoFlash programmer
- Тема: Programming S29GL064N w/ ezoflash
- Ответы: 4
- Просмотры: 16981
Programming S29GL064N w/ ezoflash
When I attempt to program my Olimex Pinguino Micro, MPIDE wants to use a serial port. I only have usb ports. Is there a way to have the MPIDE programming use the USB port?
- Вт сен 03, 2019 4:06 am
- Форум: Willem programmers
- Тема: icsp connection to pic12c508a
- Ответы: 2
- Просмотры: 7932
icsp connection to pic12c508a
Does anyone know if the SS24S and SS16s have to have the chips pulled for programming or do they have ICSP ports for on board programming?
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Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk