Is there a Dennis in the house?

Зарегистрирован:Пт сен 24, 2010 6:47 pm
Is there a Dennis in the house?

Сообщение apprenticemart » Пт сен 24, 2010 6:51 pm

Hello everyone,
I would really like a schematic to mod a Willem programmer so I can get 6v Vcc to program 2532 Eprom, for my personal use of course.
Hoping you can help Dennis if your out there.
Thanks and Best Wishes

Зарегистрирован:Пн янв 03, 2005 6:50 pm

Re: Is there a Dennis in the house?

Сообщение Ezo » Пт сен 24, 2010 9:33 pm

schematic to mod a Willem programmer so I can get 6v Vcc
What version of Willem programmer do you have ? Not able to detect - find in my gallery.
Most willem programmers have Vcc jumper allowing select 5V, 5.6, 6.2(jumper removed)
to program 2532 Eprom
What type of 2532 you have ? Here are some types with bipolar PROM pinout not compatible with ZIF32.
Usually generic 2732, 2532 requires +5V Vcc and 25V Vpp.
Try to find exact version in my chip database, search 2532.
Are you coming from mcumall forum, where TMS2532 and HN462532 problems on USB GQ4 discussed ?

Зарегистрирован:Пт сен 24, 2010 6:47 pm

Re: Is there a Dennis in the house?

Сообщение apprenticemart » Сб сен 25, 2010 7:21 am

Thank you, you have helped me.
I wasn't looking at the PCB properly.

I can program TMS2532JL at 5vcc 25vpp 12ms twp

I can not program TMS2532A with any settings at all. I think these are 25vpp but there isn't a datasheet on the planet for these. They do not like 12ms twp?

I don't know what type my Willem is. It does not have plcc32, maybe pcb3 or 3.5. It is dual powered.
I am using 0.97ja.

Thank you again ezo

Зарегистрирован:Пн янв 03, 2005 6:50 pm

Re: Is there a Dennis in the house?

Сообщение Ezo » Сб сен 25, 2010 10:38 am

I can program TMS2532JL at 5vcc 25vpp 12ms twp
Is it really 2532 and not 2732 ?
I checked all 2532 datasheets.
All chips (HN462532,MCM2532,TMS2532, NTE2532) are with bipolar PROM pinout and not compatible with ZIF32 2732 selected.
You are not able program TMS2532A .
Differences in pinouts
2532 pins - 21 (VPP), 20 (PD/PGM#), 18 (A11)
2732 pins - 21 (A11), 20 (OE#/Vpp), 18 (CE)
Read process
2532 - 21 +5, 20 - log.0
2732 - 20 log.0(Vpp 0ff), 18-log0
2532 - 21 +25 (+21 for 2532A), 20 - positive programming pulse
2732 - 20 +25/+5 (+21 for 2532A, 5V Vpp off), 18 - positive programming pulse
I have not tested, but you can try my 2532 mod without pin swapping or new adapter.
Pictures on 2532 will explain all settings and connections , in file added case for 2732 too.
Settings: DSW12 - 1,2,4,9 -ON, J3/2-3, J1/1-2, J2/1-2
(jumpers place and numbers find in pictures)
Set J8/1-2 (Vcc=5V), J6/2-3, J7/2-3 (Vpp=21V).
Apply external power supply (+9..12V , >400mA). Don''t use USB power.
Go Test H/W and check voltages -
32-Vcc, measure ZIF32/28 +5V; measure ZIF32/25 ~+4.3V
1-Vpp, measure ZIF32/25 +21V.
Clear settings and exit. Remove power supply plug.
Solder 2 wires (on pin top, next to body) on chip 2532A pins 18 and 20.
Place chip in ZIF socket (lower part).
Wire from chip pin18 connect to J2/5.
Wire from chip pin20 place in ZIF32/29 (next pin after chip top).
Connect power supply.
0.97ja, select 2732(PCB3), increase twp from 1.2ms to 10ms.
Run Blank check , to be sure chips is erased . Not blank, apply UV erase.
Load file and program. Good luck !
Possible problems.
Target chip damaged before with 2732 setting play and without mod.
Vpp 25V was applied to 2532A pin 20 (CE/PGM).
Vcc and Vpp will drop down during programming process (miniatur coil used in programmer , switch transistors BC557 used instead of BC327) .

Зарегистрирован:Пт сен 24, 2010 6:47 pm

Re: Is there a Dennis in the house?

Сообщение apprenticemart » Сб сен 25, 2010 11:33 am

I have built a 2532 to 2732 socket adapter. TMS2532 works sometimes just not all the time.TMS2532A does not work.
I will look at your mod.
Will change transistors.
Thanks, you are the BEST.

Зарегистрирован:Пн янв 03, 2005 6:50 pm

Re: Is there a Dennis in the house?

Сообщение Ezo » Сб сен 25, 2010 11:59 am

Have an adapter with swapped pins
1) Turn ON DSW12/2 and J3/2-3, it will supply ~5V on Vpp during read and programming (when Vpp is off). This not applied for 2732
2) select chip 2732(PCB3B) and increase twp from 1.2ms to 10ms
3) apply Vcc=5V and Vpp=21V for 2532A
Good luck !

Зарегистрирован:Пт сен 24, 2010 6:47 pm

Re: Is there a Dennis in the house?

Сообщение apprenticemart » Сб сен 25, 2010 12:23 pm

Thank YOU.

Зарегистрирован:Вт май 03, 2011 10:46 pm

Re: Is there a Dennis in the house?

Сообщение neazoi » Вт май 03, 2011 10:51 pm

What of the two solutions mentioned above made you success?

I have the same willem programmer and I need to program a TMS25L32JDL
I have made the non-swapped solution mentioned above, and also the swapped solution with SW12 pin 2 set to on.

None of them worked, maybe I am doing something wrong :(

By the way I think the TMS25L32JDL needs 25V VPP.

In both solutions I was not able to measure a vpp greater than 2-3v using the hardware test tab on the program.

I need some help please...
