EZoFlash+ test guide.

  1. Visually inspect your programmer board. Apply magnifier, good light and beeper/multimeter.
    Check all lines, no breaks and shorts. Attention, no shorts on lines from LPT port connector !
    Check no shorts between all EzoBus connectors neighbourhood pins.
  2. Recheck installed chips, types and direction.
    Note, chips IC3 and IC6 are in opposite direction. Male type of parallel port connector used on programmer board.
  3. Recheck installed transistors, types and direction. Equal transistors are used, be sure to have same pinout or adapt different to layout. Note, I use diode KD522 on my boards and it has different mark than 1N4148, don’t use pictures as benchmark.
  4. Read ezoflash+ installation guide.
  5. Set programmer jumpers Jp1, Jp3, Jp5. Connect power supply to programmer only, without LPT connection. Green LED is ON, red and yellow LED can flash sometimes.
    Check voltage +5.0V on L7805/out. Voltage less than +5.0 and L7805 comes hot, disconnect power supply and start test guide from beginning. Check voltage +5.0V on logic IC’s IC1…IC6 Vcc pin 16, IC7 pin 14.
    Check voltage +12.7V on 78L12/out.
    Disconnect power supply.
  6. Connect LPT cable to PC and programmer. Run Willem software 0.97ja.
    Connect power supply to programmer. Programmer green LED flash only.
    Run Willem SW command Help/Test Hardware. Reply “Hardware present” – programmer connection to PC is established.
  7. Command Help/Test Hardware reply “Hardware Error: Check Power & Connection ” :
    - check cable between programmer and PC;
    - set LPT port in software according to PC connected port;
    - check parallel port settings in BIOS;
    - Select Test H/W mode in software. Activate 32-Vcc. Check red LED is ON, voltage +5V on V2/k .
    - Test H/W. Active 32-Vcc, activate and deactivate 13-D0. Check voltage logic level changes on BU1/11, IC7/8, IC7/9, BU1/2.
  8. Test H/W is strongly recommended on newly built programmer board.
    Select Test H/W mode in software. Activate on/off Test H/W signals one by one (!) and measure voltages on related EzoBus control point. Control points and voltages find in document ezoflash_testhw.pdf (corrected 22.10.07).
    Simultaneous active all data or address signals, unable indicate possible short.
    Frame CE-22 in Test H/W corresponds to signal WE . Activate OE-24 additionally for data D0..D7 access.
    Not found right voltages on EZoBus, check related line back from connector to IC on the board. Use other specified control points on the board. Voltages here can be different , for example active signal voltage on paralel port and 4503 inputs PC depending and vary at +3.5..+4.0V. Control point logic level can be inverted, in table sign # added.
  9. Test H/W allow check adapters . Activate on/off Test H/W signals one by one and measure voltage at related control point (chip socket pin, flash chip contact pad) on installed adapter. Forwarded control point find on adapter schematic and documents.
    Note, 8/16 bit adapters have shifted address connections, programmer address A0 is connected to target chip pin A-1, A1 to A0 , etc. 16 bit flash adapter tsop48d2 control points and voltages find in document tsop48d2_testhw.pdf
  10. Share your experience and problems in EZoFlash forum.
    Search and read old topics on EZoFlash hardware problems and solving.